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Paleo Reset: Day 15

Monday, exactly half way through the experiment and so happy that I am doing this before Christmas. So many of us opt to wait until after Christmas and set our sights on a new body for January, less pain and less discomfort - and it never happens! What feels good is to start right now, start where you are and figure out the challenges one by one. At the very least, you are doing something, gaining momentum by taking action kicking the overwhelm into touch. My very first step on this journey was to commit to drinking water every morning before getting out of bed - and I have done this one small thing every single day. Success on this small point gives traction, something to get hold of and something positive to start the day. The rest flows from that. Have you tried this yet?

Day 15 was a leftovers kind of day. I had two appointments and had to dash in and out between so the day had the opportunity to be chaotic and a big challenge. My strategy was to rely on leftovers and to ask Mike to help and cook something for lunch in between. It worked! Still on track with this paleo way of eating and feeling so different to the place where I started. More of this another day. I spent the evening at dance class and had a blast. Have you tried dance?

Day 15 Paleo Reset Summary

Breakfast: Protein Shake + C8, and Floradix

Lunch: Grain Free Almond and coconut porridge, grated apple and walnut

Supper Left over pork curry, C8

Snacks: Handful of macadamia nuts, an orange, an apple


Here is one of our songs from the play list last night - easy to move to, easy to wonder, easy to dance, keep moving!



kate oliver - Primal Cut co-founder

Hi! I'm Kate, Co-Founder of Primal Cut, mum, wife & Primal Baker! I live with my husband and partner Michael. Ideally located in the spa town of Ilkley, on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales its where we handcraft our range of healthy, nutrient dense, free from food.

From delicious Primal Alternative keto granolas to gluten free low carb bread, from vegan wraps to healthy sausages, nitrate-free bacon & charcuterie - it's all here. The fact that gluten-free is better for all, including keto and low carb means our food offers convenient, time-saving grain free alternatives that will help keep you on track during your journey back to health!

For the full range of healthy convenience foods check out our shop

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