We are taking a short break over Christmas.
Our next delivery date will be 7th January 2022.
Day 25. What did I learn today? That stress is my number one trigger.
In the past I have used food to manage this, it is an easy fix.
Yesterday the pressure was on to ship all our Christmas orders before 2pm.
How did we deal with it? Intermittent fasting. And lots of water.
We took food right out of the stress equation and it worked!
We both felt superhuman when we had finished.
And all the orders were shipped.
If I can learn to manage the stress better, the hunger will naturally recede.
If all else fails, fast!
Paleo Reset Day 25 Summary
Breakfast: Intermittent Fasting, water. black coffee
Lunch/Supper: Large 4 egg omelette with mushroom. spinach and onion and parmesan cheese, fresh organic microgreens, C8 and Floradix
Snack: Large orange and a handful of macadamia nuts
Do you have much time to read?
One of my favourite authors is Anne Patchett.
In her book the Story of a Happy Marriage, there is a story of a road trip and a beautiful definition of being alive - I fell compelled to share it here:
Life goes on, despite everything and once in a while there is a pocket of bliss created just for me and for you. Keep searching, it's never that far away, nothing ever stays the same and all this crazy nonsense we are living through right now, this too will pass. And in the meantime, whatever you do,